Giovanna Lo Cicero
North Western Sicily offshore in the frame of the marine CARG Project. Main rsults
Lineamenti Morfologici e Sedimentologici delTtratto di Spiaggia Emersa del Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia nord- occidentale)
Carte marine e rischi geologici
The investigations carried out by the "Gruppo di Geologia Marina" of the Palermo University in the framework of the CARG project, have been focused on the marine sectors between the Egadi Islands offshore and the Cefalù Basin (NW Sicilian offshore). The research activities have yielded new results on the following fields: (i) sedimentation and coastal dynamics, (ii) sea bottom cartography and mapping of submerged structures, (iii) morpho-bathymetry and geological risk assessment
Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Biosensors for Mannoproteins Detection
Different fusulinids have been identified in the Lercara Formation (Sicily). They are: Reichelina sp., Schubertella paramelonica, Toriyamaia (?) sp., Neofusulinella lantenoisi, Yangchienia compressa, Rauserella staffi, Darvasites contractus, Chalaroschwagerina (Taiyuanella?) aff. davalensis, Levenella aff. evoluta, Pamirina darvasica, and Neoschwagerina ex gr. craticulifera. Small Permian foraminifers, as well as the calcispherid Asterosphaera pulchra also exist. The microfossils indicate reworking of different Permian stages, at different periods of time, and possibly also of the Mississippian (Early Carboniferous). All these resediments have been deposited within the Lercara Formation, a …
Marine geology of the Gulf of Castellammare (NW Sicily offshore) as depicted in the sheet n. 593 of the Geologic map of Italy, scale 1:50.000
Depositional environment and biofacies characterisation of the Triassic (Carnian to Rhaetian) carbonate succession of Punta Bassano (Marettimo Island, Sicily)
AThe aims of this study are to reconstruct the geological setting of the Punta Bassano series (Marettimo Island, Egadi Archipelago, western Sicily) and its palaeogeographic evolution. The reference section for the Upper Triassic of Marettimo shows an alternation of marl and limestone beds together with brecciated levels. The limestones are both homogeneous mudstones with evaporite pseudomorphs and laminated with fenestrae. Foraminiferal, palynomorph, and ostracod associations constrain the Punta Bassano sequence to the Carnian-Rhaetian interval. The Punta Bassano succession represents a shallow inner ramp, ranging from open-marine environment with good water circulation to lagoonal and peri…
Foglio 593, Castellammare del Golfo
Il Foglio 593 “Castellammare del Golfo” della Carta Geologica d’Italia in scala 1:50.000 è stato realizzato nell’ambito del Progetto CARG con i fondi della Legge 305/89, con una convenzione tra Servizio Geologico Nazionale (ora ISPRA) e la Regione Siciliana. Il Foglio “Castellammare del Golfo” ricopre un settore dell’ estremità nordoccidentale della Sicilia e comprende le aree marine del Golfo del Cofano, della Baia di San Vito e della porzione centro-occidentale del Golfo di Castellammare, e quelle emerse costituite dalla dorsale dei Monti di Capo San Vito, dall’ampio settore collinare di Monte Luziano e Monte Bosco, dal massiccio di Monte Inici e dai pianori della Piana di Castellammare, …
Late Quaternary sedimentary evolution of the Castellammare Gulf (North-Western Sicily offshore)
High-resolution seismic stratigraphy has been applied to the interpretation of the stratigraphic architecture of Late Pleistocene and Holocene successions on the continental shelf and upper slope of the Gulf of Castellammare, North-Western Sicily. The Late Quaternary type 1 depositional sequence is bounded by a regional unconformity and it is made up of four systems tracts, developed under fourth order relative sea level fluctuations, after the previous highstand of isotope Stage 5e. Systems tract are located in different parts of the basin, two being confined to the outer shelf and the upper slope, the other developed along the inner shelf. Facies associations, geomorphological elements, a…
Sicilian Jurassic Phisiography and Geologic Realms
Two tectono-sedimentary domains, which were deformed during the Neogene and evolved into two large structural sectors, characterize the Sicilian Jurassic: the Maghrebides and Peloritani. Africa margin sediments, passing downward to Triassic successions and perhaps originally to Paleozoic deposits, characterize the former. The latter belongs to the European "Calabrian Arc", where the Jurassic transgressively rests on a continental substrate (i.e. the crystalline Variscan basement). These domains are characterized by four sedimentary facies: shallow platform-derived limestones; condensed seamount-type red limestones; nodular limestones with ammonites; deep radiolarites and shales. These facie…