M Patti

Recensione di Carolina Castellano, Una questione di provincia. Criminalità e camorra tra età giolittiana e fascismo, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2020

Il volume Una questione di provincia, pubblicato nel 2020 dalla napoletana editoriale Scienti fica, si concentra sull’analisi delle «forme peculiari della criminalità camorrista» (p. 15) tra età giolittiana e fascismo nell’area dell’agro napoletano estesa fra le pendici del Vesuvio e la piana di nola, la piana del Volturno e l’area intorno ad Aversa.

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Recensione: Marcello Ravveduto, Lo spettacolo della mafia. Storia di un immaginario tra realtà e finzione, Torino, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 2019


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Recensione di Brancaccio L., Castellano C.(a cura di), Affari di camorra. Famiglie, imprenditori e gruppi criminali, Donzelli, Roma, 2015

Volume collettaneo, risultato di un'importante ricerca interdisciplinare sulla camorra e sulla criminalità organizzata

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La deistituzionalizzazione nel Mezzogiorno. Lotte antistituzionali e rinnovamento psichiatrico a Palermo e Reggio Calabria tra anni sessanta e settanta

The article explores the history of the process of deinstitutionalization in Palermo and Reggio Calabria, in the context of the critical psychiatric movements in Italy (1960-1978). It is consolidated the idea of a Southern Italy unconnected with the “psychiatric question” and anti-institutional practices, in Italy due mainly to Franco Basaglia and his team. The essay focuses on this issue in the South of Italy where, as well as in the other experiences, the actions were both political and scientific. The analysis considers also the connections of Palermo and Reggio Calabria movements, in particular with Democratic Psychiatry, and looks at the role played by social movements and political fo…

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An algorithm to perform the on line identification of the wind shear components suitable for the UAS characteristics has been implemented. The mathematical model of aircraft and wind shear in the augmented state space has been built without any restrictive assumption on the dynamic of wind shear. Because of the strong velocity variations typical of wind shear induce severe accelerations on the aircraft the wind shear effects have been modeled as external forces and moments applied on the aircraft. The identification problem addressed in this work has been solved by using the Filter error method approach. An Extended Kalman Filter has been developed to propagate state. It has been tuned by u…

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Emigrazione e immigrazione in Italia. Un quadro delle politiche migratorie dall'età liberale alla Bossi-Fini

Il saggio presenta un breve quadro delle politiche migratorie in Italia dall'età liberale all'Italia repubblicana

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La politica per le donne : Nilde Iotti e l’impegno per l’emancipazione femminile

The contribution aims to retrace some particularly significant moments of the commitment of Nilde Iotti in promoting women’s rights. Iotti, a founding mother of the Republic and prominent figure of the Italian Communist Party (PCI), fought for the democratization of Italian society through women’s emancipation. This essay focuses on Iotti’s public role and political action from the election to the Constituent Assembly (1946) until the late Seventies. In 1979, indeed, Nilde Iotti - the “Lady of the Republic” – was elected President of the Chamber, as a result of a life devoted to political engagement. In particular, the focus of the essay is on Iotti’s major effort in supporting family trans…

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NF-kappaB protects Behcet's disease T cells against CD95-induced apoptosis up-regulating antiapoptotic proteins

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether prolongation of the inflammatory reaction in patients with Behçet's disease (BD) is related to apoptosis resistance and is associated with the up-regulation of antiapoptotic factors. METHODS: The percentage of cell death was evaluated by flow cytometry in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 35 patients with BD and 30 healthy volunteers. The expression levels of antiapoptotic factors and NF-kappaB regulatory proteins were measured using Western blotting and immunohistochemical analyses. To down-regulate NF-kappaB nuclear translocation, BD T lymphocytes were exposed in vitro to thalidomide and subjected to transfection with NF-kappaB small interfering RNA. …

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Recensione di Graziano Mamone, Fabio Milazzo, Deserti della mente. Psichiatria e combattenti nella guerra di Libia 1911-1912, Milano, Le Monnier, 2019.


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Migrazioni : Diritto e società

INDICE L’immigrazione è un tema al centro del dibattito pubblico, spesso oggetto di aspre contese, di differenti visioni del mondo. Comunque la si veda, le migrazioni sono una costante storica, non una mera eccezione. Il loro presentarsi in modo massivo ha carattere ciclico e la multiculturalità delle nostre società è una realtà con la quale fare i conti. Interrogarsi sul tema dell’immigrazione significa anzitutto porsi delle domande su cosa dobbiamo intendere con termini quali potere politico, cittadinanza, territorio, identità, tolleranza, convivenza fra culture differenti e fra soggetti semplicemente accomunati dal fatto di essere, allo stesso modo, umani. Nel tentare di rispondere a que…

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