Ioannis Bazos
Alien flora of Europe: Species diversity, temporal trends, geographical patterns and research needs
International audience; The paper provides the first estimate of the composition and structure of alien plants occurring in the wild in the European continent, based on the results of the DAISIE project (2004–2008), funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union and aimed at “creating an inventory of invasive species that threaten European terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments”. The plant section of the DAISIE database is based on national checklists from 48 European countries/regions and Israel; for many of them the data were compiled during the project and for some countries DAISIE collected the first comprehensive checklists of alien species, based on primary data …
New distribution and taxonomic information on Callitriche (Plantaginaceae) in the Mediterranean region
This article presents new records of water-starworts (Callitriche sp. pl.) from the Mediterranean basin, resulting from review of herbarium specimens and field work. Callitriche brutia var. naftolskyi is stated as a new combination and confirmed from Greece (Lesvos and Milos), Israel, Italy (Sardinia and Sicily), Libya, Morocco and Syria; C. lusitanica from Greece (Lesvos), Israel and Italy (Sardinia and Sicily); C. brutia var. brutia has been known from Greece for some time but is confirmed from Lesvos and Milos; C. obtusangula and C. truncata subsp. truncata are both confirmed from Sardinia and Sicily, while the latter is also confirmed from Syria. Callitriche lenisulca and C. stagnalis a…
Alien plants and recipient habitats in the Mediterranean Basin: How similar they are?
Biological invasions have become one of the most critical issues related to global change. The aim of this work was to investigate alien plant species invasion levels in different habitats and alien species traits by comparing the naturalized flora in different areas of the same biogeographical region. The locations selected for study were 4 countries across the European Mediterranean basin comprising and east–west gradient, namely Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus. Floristic similarity among the 4 countries was found very low, with only 30 species present in all four countries out of the 782 naturalized neophytes. The four alien floras share the same patterns of growth form (mostly herbs), l…