Fabio D'antona

Accretion and Magneto-Dipole Emission in Fast-Rotating Neutron Stars: New Spin-Equilibrium Lines

research product

Radio Ejection and Bump-related Orbital Period Gap of Millisecond Binary Pulsars

research product


research product

Utilità dell’ecografia nella diagnosi di malattia celiaca

research product

Improved orbital parameters of accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658

research product

To accrete or not to accrete: the dilemma of the recycling scenario

We study the evolution of a low-mass X-ray binary by coupling a binary stellar evolution code with a general relativistic code that describes the behaviour of the neutron star. We find that non-conservative mass transfer scenarios are required to prevent the formation of submillisecond pulsars and/or the collapse to a black hole. We discuss the sweeping effects of an active magneto-dipole rotator on the transferred matter as a promising mechanism to obtain highly non-conservative evolutions.

research product

Quale trattamento medico nell'esofago di Barrett

research product

Constraining the Equation of State of Neutron Stars with Genral Relativity

When a radio pulsar breakes down by virtue of magnetodipole emission, its gravitational mass decreases accordingly. If the pulsar in hosted in a binary system, this mass loss will increase the orbital period of the system. We show that this relativistic effect can be indeed observable if the NS is fast and magnetized enough and that, if observed, it will help to put tight constraints on the equation of state of ultradense matter.

research product

Epidemiologia e historia natural del carcinoma hepatocelular

research product