La governance per l'accoglienza dei migranti nel comprensorio "Calatino Sud-Simeto": istituzioni politiche, autonomie locali e terzo settore. Report relativo all'indagine quali-quantitativa effettuata nel territorio del Calatino Sub-Simeto a seguito della mappatura dei servizi territoriali.
This volume, the result of the diligent work of a group of professors and researchers belonging to the Culture and Society Department of the University of Palermo and a professor of the University of Catania, proposes the results of a research in the 'field' of the migratory phenomenon in the municipalities of the Calatino Sud-Simeto district in the area of the Metropolitan City of Catania. It represents the elaboration of the mapping of local public services, intended as a "photograph" of the problems / needs that the operators of the Public Administration they live in managing relations with foreign citizens / students, specifying the type of problems that hinder the efficient delivery …