María Ntinou
Recursos vegetales en el yacimiento arqueológico de Segobriga (Saelices, Cuenca). Análisis antracológico de la campaña 2002
La Fonteta Ràquia : une installation apicole du IIIe siècle av. J.-C. dans la péninsule Ibérique
Preliminary report about an Iron Age site (IIIrd century BC) specialized in beekeeping
Wood and charcoal evidence for human and natural history
Charcoal analysis for the Neolithic of the Ionian Islands, western Greece: the case of Drakaina Cave at Poros, Kephalonia
Comida para la eternidad
Wood Charcoal Analysis:
Estudio arqueobotánico de los niveles neolíticos de Knossos (creta). Por medio de los carbones se reconstruye la vegetación, el clima y el paisaje del yacimiento. Archaeobotanical study of Neolithic levels of Knossos (Crete). Through charcoal remains vegetation, climate and landscape of the site is rebuilt.
Olea europaea L. in the North Mediterranean basin during the Pleniglacial and the Early–Middle Holocene
17 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.
Neolithic woodland in the north Mediterranean basin: A review on Olea europaea L.
The aim of this paper is to specify the natural distribution of Olea europaea L. during the Early Holocene in the Northern Mediterranean by means of the identification of wood charcoal remains of this species at prehistoric sites. For this purpose, we have reviewed the relevant literature and extracted the data in which Olea charcoal has been identified. We have taken into consideration the biogeographical and chrono-cultural contexts in which the species is present, its frequency of occurrence at different locations and the associated plant taxa with the aim of tracking the Holocene history of the oleaster. Based on this information we suggest that the species started expanding during the …