L Sineo
All you want to know about mummies. Review of: The handbook of mummy studies: New Frontiers in scientific and cultural perspectives
Linguistic, geographic and genetic isolation: a collaborative study of Italian populations
Summary - The animal and plant biodiversity of the Italian territory is known to be one of the richest in the Mediterranean basin and Europe as a whole, but does the genetic diversity of extant human populations show a comparable pattern? According to a number of studies, the genetic structure of Italian populations retains the signatures of complex peopling processes which took place from the Paleolithic to modern era. Although the observed patterns highlight a remarkable degree of genetic heterogeneity, they do not, however, take into account an important source of variation. In fact, Italy is home to numerous ethnolinguistic minorities which have yet to be studied systematically. Due to …
Human influence on faunal turnover during Early Holocene in Sicily
Session: Environment, climate and human impact: the archaeological evidence AIQUA CONGRESS 2012 February 15-17 Pisa, Italy 71 HUMAN INFLUENCE ON FAUNAL TURNOVER DURING EARLY HOLOCENE IN SICILY Petruso D., Sineo L. Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale e Biodiversità, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi, 18, 90123 Palermo, Italy The faunistic analysis at the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Sicily allows to understand the ecologic and/or human role in the faunal turn over of the island. Following the work of Petruso et al. (in press) we assessed that at the Pleniglacial-Late Glacial interval, in supposed absence of human occurrence, were already extinct the last endemites (the middle s…
I resti umani della grotta di S. Teodoro Acquedolci: nuovi dati
la grotta di S. Teodoro è uno dei giacimenti paleontologici più importanti della Sicilia e ha reso, nel tempo, importantissime informazioni circa la paleontologia e la paleoecologia della Sicilia del Pleistocene. La grotta è altresì nota per il giacimento di resti umani inumati ascrivibili alla parte finale di questo periodo.Vengono qui presentati una serie di nuovi dati relativi alle indagini antropologiche, morfometriche e strumentali (TAC), nonchè alla cronologia assoluta dei resti umani ottenuta mediante datazione al 14C.Si presentano inoltre i dati preliminari del lavoro di revisione della collezione scheletrica umana relativa al sito.