Antti Puupponen
Maaseutuyrittäjyys, verkostot ja paikallisuus : tapaustutkimus pienimuotoisen elintarviketuotannon kestävyydestä Keski-Suomessa
Punaisia tupia, perunamaita ja heijastuksia uudesta ajasta
Justice in Finnish Food Policies
Abstract The need to create more sustainable food systems calls for careful attention to justice in making the transition. However, to achieve a just transition and create policies to support the goal of developing sustainable food systems, we need more knowledge of the ways current policies tackle justice. This knowledge can reveal blind spots and development needs and increase the transparency of potentially conflicting goals, which is essential for designing just transition policies. From the normative perspective of food justice, a food system should produce three principal outcomes: food security and nutrition, livelihoods and fair income, and environmental sustainability. In this arti…
Insights into food system exposure, coping capacity and adaptive capacity
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consider the concepts of exposure, coping capacity and adaptive capacity as a multiple structure of vulnerability in order to distinguish and interpret short-term coping responses and long-term strategic responses to food system vulnerability. Design/methodology/approach This paper applies an abductive approach for qualitative analysis of data, which were collected through 18 semi-structured interviews among Finnish food system actors. Findings The findings suggest that coping capacity and adaptive capacity are indeed two different concepts, which both need to be addressed in the examination of food system vulnerability. Public and private food syste…
Huomisen maaseutu
Reilu ruokamurros : Polkuja kestävään ja oikeudenmukaiseen ruokajärjestelmään
Ruokajärjestelmämme kärsivät monista yhteen kietoutuneista kestävyysongelmista. Ongelmia ei korjata yksittäisillä teknologisilla ratkaisuilla, vaan muutoksia tarvitaan läpi koko ruokajärjestelmän. Muutosten laajuuden vuoksi on syytä puhua järjestelmän perustavanlaatuisesta muuttamisesta eli ruokamurroksesta. Tässä julkaisussa tarkastelemme, miten ruokajärjestelmän ilmastopäästöjä voitaisiin vähentää Suomessa siten, että ruokaturva ei vaarannu. Arvioimme ilmastotoimien toteutusta eri murrospoluilla, jotka keskittyvät maankäytön, ruokavalioiden, maatalous- ja ruokateknologioiden muutoksiin. Arvioimme eri murrospolkujen vaikutuksia maatalouteen eri alueilla ja eri väestöryhmien ravitsemukseen.…
Ketä päättäjä kuuntelee?
Ruokajärjestelmän haavoittuvuus koronaviruspandemialle
Measuring Vulnerability in the Food System
Food system vulnerability is an emerging concept for food security policies and food supply chain management. Hence, measuring food system vulnerability is necessary for developing appropriate food security policies and managing food supply chain vulnerabilities. In this paper, we aim to clarify the development process of food system vulnerability indicators. We conducted an abducted qualitative content analysis based on public documents of various Finnish organizations, including ministries and administration, interest organizations, NGOs, food sector enterprises, and a church. We analysed the engagement level of various organizations in food security and identified vulnerability aspects i…
Vulnerability matrix of the food system : operationalizing vulnerability and addressing food security
Food security is the major desired outcome of any food system, but its realization may be prevented by vulnerabilities in a food system. By shifting the focus of their vulnerability analysis from the discrete components of the food system to the food system as a whole, the authors of this article were able to develop a qualitative food system vulnerability matrix. The objective of the research was to make the concept of food system vulnerability operational by identifying vulnerability drivers, vulnerable systems and vulnerable subclasses in light of food security. The vulnerability matrix was set up with five classes of vulnerable systems (‘Vulnerability of what?’) on the horizontal axis a…
Maaseudun valoja ja varjoja
Suomalaisten maatilojen resilienssi osana tulevaisuuden ruokaturvaa
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan maatilojen asemaa suomalaisen ruokaturvan kontekstissa. Maataloutta voidaan pitää haavoittuvaisena osana elintarvikejärjestelmässä. Sen vuoksi on tärkeää tarkastella sen asemaa kansallisen ruokaturvan takaajana. Selviytyäkseen maatiloilla täytyy olla resilienssiä eli kykyä mukautua väistämättä tapahtuviin muutoksiin. Artikkeli perustuu tutkimukseen, jossa haastateltiin 15 elintarvikejärjestelmän asiantuntijaa. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriasidonnaisella sisällönanalyysillä. Analyysissä on hyödynnetty Darnhoferin jaottelua maatilojen resilienssin ulottuvuuksista. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan maatalouden ongelmat liittyvät kannattavuuteen, sukupolvenvaihdosten onnistum…
Climate change, vulnerability and the local adaptation strategies of food enterprises in Finland
This chapter discusses vulnerability and the adaptation strategies of Finnish food supply chains in the context of climate change. A case study was conducted in 2012 within three Finnish regions. The people interviewed were food entrepreneurs, the managers of food enterprises and relevant stakeholders. According to the study, food enterprises seem to trust local and decentralised food supply chains as an adaptation strategy for combating climate change. Hence, the case study discusses the benefits and learning challenges of food supply chain localisation and introduces the idea of food supply chains that react proactively to climate change issues. nonPeerReviewed
Consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food: a focus group study
The purpose of this study is to provide information on consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food products and the main product attributes that influence consumers' buying behaviour in the case of organic, Fair Trade and locally produced food. The paper draws on data from four focus groups. The results provide empirical insight into the motivating as well as the restricting factors that influence consumers' purchasing behaviour in the case of sustainably produced food and introduce the emerging key themes associated with the attributes of sustainably produced food products.
Maaseudun uudet vaatteet ja aatteet?
Reilua ruokaa tänään ja huomenna : suosituksia kestävän ruokajärjestelmän luomiseksi
Social Acceptance of Climate Change Adaptation in Farms and Food Enterprises : a Case Study in Finland
This article identifies perceived climate change risks and adaptation aspects among farms and food processing enterprises using a case study in Finland. In addition, the article pinpoints key factors that contribute to the social acceptance of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies in the food system. The purpose is to study the willingness of farms and food enterprises to accept and adapt to different climate policy implementation. The research data consists of 27 thematic interviews conducted in 2012 and 2013. The main research questions were: 1. What risks does climate change pose to farms and food enterprises? 2. What adaptation features can be identified in farms and food en…
Towards sustainable farming practices and food security: study about vulnerability of Finnish farms
The aim of this paper is to discuss food security in the context of sustainable farming practices in Finland. There are two research questions: 1) How are the Finnish farms vulnerable from the viewpoint of food security? 2) How could they increase their resilience for guaranteeing food security in the future? The paper is based on a qualitative study for which 15 Finnish food system specialists were interviewed in 2015. According to the results, three types of vulnerabilities are discovered: 1) market vulnerabilities, 2) continuity of farms, and 3) environment changes. For reducing vulnerabilities, the re-evaluation of policy instruments is needed. At the same time, new knowledge and skills…
Tuottajien ääni kuuluviin Just Food -hankkeessa
Hanke tutkii, miten siirtymä ilmastoviisaaseen ja terveelliseen ruokajärjestelmään voidaan tehdä kestävästi ja oikeudenmukaisesti. nonPeerReviewed
Kohti reilua ruokajärjestelmää : ruokajärjestelmän toimijoiden näkemyksiä ilmastopolitiikan keinojen oikeudenmukaisuudesta
Matriisi liittyy 2020 julkaistavaan Elintarvike ja terveys -lehden artikkeliin. peerReviewed