Sylvain Gatti
Genetic identification of neurons controlling a sexually dimorphic behaviour
0960-9822 (Print) Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, locomotor activity is sexually dimorphic: female flies constantly modulate their activity pattern whereas males show a steadier, stereotyped walking pace [1]. Here, we mapped the area of the brain controlling this behavioural dimorphism. Adult male Drosophila expressing a dominant feminising transgene in a small cluster of neurons in the pars intercerebralis exhibited a female-like pattern of locomotor activity. Genetic ablation of these neurons prevented the feminisation of the locomotor activity of transgenic males. The results suggest that this cluster of neurons modulates sex-sp…
Evidence for the critical importance of anti-poaching patrols to protect African wildlife
Tropical forests are on the front lines of the current global extinction crisis, and effective conservation strategies are crucial to prevent continued wildlife declines and extinctions. The establishment and maintenance of protected areas have constituted a primary strategy to safeguard wildlife against anthropogenic threats including overhunting and habitat destruction and degradation. Empirical research is critical for determining their effectiveness. Part of West Africa's Upper Guinea Forests biodiversity hotspot, protected areas in Ghana include both Wildlife Protected Areas (WPAs) and Forest Reserves (FRs) where all hunting is prohibited. Their management differs in that WPAs feature …