S. Arcidiacono
Low-Prandtl Number Natural Convection in Volumetrically Heated Rectangular Enclosures - III. Shallow Cavity, AR=0.25
Abstract Natural convection in a volumetrically heated rectangular enclosure filled with a low-Prandtl number (Pr=0.0321) fluid was studied by direct numerical two-dimensional simulation. The enclosure had isothermal side walls and adiabatic top/bottom walls. The aspect ratio was 4 and the Grashof number Gr, based on conductive maximum temperature and cavity width, ranged from 3.79 × 104 to 1.26 × 109. According to the value of Gr, different flow regimes were obtained: steady-state, periodic, and chaotic. The first instability of the steady-state solution occurred at Gr≈3×105; the resulting time-periodic flow field consisted of a central rising plume and of convection rolls, periodically ge…
Bifurcations and Histeresis of Low Prandtl Number Free Convection in Square Enclosures with Internal Heat Generation
progetto pubblicato in Anna Cottone, Strategie del design per lo sviluppo sostenibile del parco dell'oreto. Eco-packaging dei prodotti dell'agro-alimentari, Catalogo Sun & Wind, Palermo, 2008
Progetti di design sostenibili per la valle dell'oreto.