Luis Gómez Chova
Cloud screening algorithm for MERIS and CHRIS multispectral sensors.
Earth Observation systems monitor our Planet by measuring, at different wavelengths, the electromagnetic radiation that is reflected by the surface, crosses the atmosphere, and reaches the sensor at the satellite platform. In this process, clouds are one of the most important components of the Earth's atmosphere affecting the quality of the measured electromagnetic signal and, consequently, the properties retrieved from these signals. This Thesis faces the challenging problem of cloud screening in multispectral and hyperspectral images acquired by space-borne sensors working in the visible and near-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The main objective is to provide new operatio…
Unificación de enseñanzas relacionadas con el Tratamiento Digital de Señales en la Universitat de València
Teaching Digital Signal Processing (DSP) at the University of Valencia takes place in several subjects with a great overlap in contents. This work proposes an approach to unify DSP contents, so that it is possible to extract the contents corresponding with each subject. Moreover, the proposal is based on a repository that contains the common contents; the repository is hosted on a virtual learning environment, being Moodle and DotLRN the two platforms under study. The final implemented solution consists in an HTMLrepository formed by a number of basic teaching units. These basic units are packaged in a standard IMS-CP format, making up the materials of the different subjects.
Filtros Digitales (2009/2010)
En esta asignatura se describen las técnicas básicas de diseño de filtros selectivos en frecuencia (FIR e IIR), las estructuras más habituales para su implementación así como las consideraciones que se deben seguir para su implementación en sistemas con aritmética finita. Finamente se introduce el problema de la modificación de la frecuencia de muestreo con un ejemplo de aplicación de los filtros digitales.