Gabor Fodor
Low-complexity AoA and AoD Estimation in the Transformed Spatial Domain for Millimeter Wave MIMO Channels
High-accuracy angle of arrival (AoA) and angle of departure (AoD) estimation is critical for cell search, stable communications and positioning in millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular systems. Moreover, the design of low-complexity AoA/AoD estimation algorithms is also of major importance in the deployment of practical systems to enable a fast and resource-efficient computation of beamforming weights. Parametric mmWave channel estimation allows to describe the channel matrix as a combination of direction-dependent signal paths, exploiting the sparse characteristics of mmWave channels. In this context, a fast Transformed Spatial Domain Channel Estimation (TSDCE) algorithm was recently proposed …
Fast Channel Estimation in the Transformed Spatial Domain for Analog Millimeter Wave Systems
Fast channel estimation in millimeter-wave (mmWave) systems is a fundamental enabler of high-gain beamforming, which boosts coverage and capacity. The channel estimation stage typically involves an initial beam training process where a subset of the possible beam directions at the transmitter and receiver is scanned along a predefined codebook. Unfortunately, the high number of transmit and receive antennas deployed in mmWave systems increase the complexity of the beam selection and channel estimation tasks. In this work, we tackle the channel estimation problem in analog systems from a different perspective than used by previous works. In particular, we propose to move the channel estimati…
Low-complexity AoA and AoD estimation in the transformed spatial domain for millimeter wave MIMO channels
La estimación del ángulo de llegada (AoA) y del ángulo de salida (AoD) es fundamental para la búsqueda de celdas, las comunicaciones estables y el posicionamiento en los sistemas celulares de ondas milimétricas (mmWave). Además, el diseño de algoritmos de estimación de AoA/AoD de baja complejidad resulta también de gran importancia en el despliegue de sistemas prácticos para permitir un cálculo rápido y eficiente de la conformación de haz. La estimación paramétrica del canal en ondas milimétricas permite describir la matriz del canal como una combinación de trayectorias de señales dependientes de la dirección, explotando la característica de dispersión de los canales mmWave. En este context…