Miguel Fuster Márquez
Aspects of vocabulary building in Caxton'sRecuyell of the Historyes of troy
The spoken core of British English: a diachronic analysis based on the BNC
This research takes as its starting point a frequency analysis of the demographicspoken subcorpus of the British National Corpus in order to focus on two aspects of the evolution of spoken core vocabulary in British English. The first is the impact on the core of contact with other languages and, the second, the role of lexical innovation and/or replacement in the history of this core. Our analysis, which, to a certain extent, follows up on that carried out in Fuster (2007) questions the hypothesis that the spoken core is immune to foreign influence or that it is highly resistant to change. pennock@uv.es; fuster@uv.es
Multilingual dictionary of tourism = Diccionario multilingüe de turismo
Este recurso lexicográfico ha sido elaborado por el Grupo de investigación COMETVAL (Corpus Multilingüe de Turismo de la Universitat de València) http://www.uv.es/cometval/wikibase/cas/index.wiki). COMETVAL se crea en 2009 y desde entonces ha contado con ayudas de diversos organismos (Universitat de València, la Agencia Valenciana de Turismo y, en la actualidad, el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad). Pertenecen a dicho grupo un importante número de investigadores de diferentes departamentos y universidades españolas (Universitat de València, Universitat Politècnica de València, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón y Universidad de Almer…
Corpus linguistics and its aplications in higher education
The aim of this paper is to review and analyse relevant factors related to the implementation of corpus linguistics (CL) in higher education. First we set out to describe underlying principles of CL and its developments in relation to theoretical linguistics and its applications in modern teaching practices. Then we attempt to establish how different types of corpora have contributed to the development of direct and indirect approaches in language teaching. We single out Data Driven Learning (DDL) due to its relevance in applied linguistics literature, and examine in detail advantages and drawbacks. Finally, we outline problems concerning the implementation of CL in the classroom since awar…
A Corpus Study of Ideology-Driven Discourse Practice: The University Language Learner as Researcher. The Case of Prepositions
It is widely acknowledged that both language learners and teachers have benefitted in many ways from the implementation of ICTs in and outside the classroom, and continue to do so. The range of skills that students, as future professionals, are required to master has risen exponentially in recent times, partly as a result of these technological developments. The implementation of ICTs has been coupled with a focus in higher education on exploring new ways of encouraging creativity in teaching and learner autonomy, both areas having gained ground recently in teaching practices (Weimer 2002). In this context, open-minded instructors should accept ICTs not just as simple gadgets, blindly adapt…
Some issues concerning a corpus-based English-Arabic Dictionary of Hotel Promotion
Esta investigación es parte del proyecto y del corpus COMETVAL de la Universitat de València. Nuestro propósito es confeccionar un diccionario multilingüe especializado y basado en corpus de interés para la industria turística. El corpus inglés comprende textos extraídos de webs de hoteles de tipo alto, medio y bajo británicos, compilados durante los años 2010 y 2011. Este diccionario está concebido como parte de la investigación sobre el lenguaje de un área de estudio emergente: la promoción en páginas web de hoteles. En particular, el diccionario inglés-árabe puede ser útil para traductores y estudiantes de hostelería, así como para profesionales españoles y marroquíes de agencias de viaj…