Kokko, Marja
Tauon jälkeen tutkijaksi
Tutkijan identiteetti osana julkaisutoimintaa
"Tieteen julkisuus" -seminaarissa (12.4.2013) pidetty esitelmä.
Voiko kirjaston tietoasiantuntijasta tulla tiedeammattilainen?
Making the research process as open as possible
Librarians are taking new roles and participating the research process as partners of the researchers. Librarians are more and more experts on publishing and data management and consultants on Open Science. This partnership can be seen also from a broader perspective, where the role of the librarian is making the research as open as possible from the beginning till the end. And actually, the role of the librarian is enabling the open research process. Libraries are the key players, when universities create centralized services for the process of open publishing. This represents the new way of looking at things in library and actually in the whole university. The meaning and purpose of libra…