Di Majo, Danila

Study on the polyphenolic contents in oils from Olea europaea L. (var. Nocellara del Belice, Sicily) plants: comparison between traditional and organic cultivation

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Risk factors for eating disorders and correlation with the body mass index, in preadolescet girls from some schools of Palermo

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Nutritional quality of extra virgin olive oils from two different Olea Europea cultivars: application of a functional matematic index

P76 - NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OILS FROM TWO DIFFERENT OLEA EUROPEA CULTIVARS: APPLICATION OF A FUNCTIONAL MATEMATIC INDEX D.Di Majo1, E. Finotti2, M. La Guardia3, M. L. Picone4, S. Palumbo1, M. Giammanco1, S. Giuliano4 1 Unità Didattico Scientifica di Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Dip.DIGSPO, Università di Palermo; 2 CRA-NUT, Centro di Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la Nutrizione, Roma; 3 Dip. STEBICEF, Università di Palermo; 4 Agenzia delle Dogane, Laboratorio Chimico, Palermo Corresponding author: Danila Di Majo, Unità Didattico Scientifica di Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Dip. DIGSPO, e-mail. danila.dimajo@unipa.it, phone +390916236405 Background The extra virgin olive oil is ver…

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Preliminary study on food habits and consumptions in adult subjects attending general medicine outpatients

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Correlation between substance “P” and enzymatic activity of lysosomial cathepsin A in rat peritoneal mast-cells, in physiologic conditions

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Physyological role of t-PMET in erythrocytes redox homeostasis: influence of flavonoids

PHYSYOLOGICAL ROLE OF t-PMET IN ERYTHROCYTES REDOX HOMEOSTASIS:INFLUENCE OF FLAVONOIDS D. Di Majo1, M. La Guardia2, M. Crescimanno1, C. Flandina1, G. Leto1, M. Giammanco1 1Unità Didattico Scientifica di Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Dip. DIGSPO, Università di Palermo; 2Dip. STEBICEF, Università degli Studi di Palermo. Corresponding author: Danila Di Majo, Unità Didattico Scientifica di Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Dip. DIGSPO,Università degli Studi di Palermo. e-mail. danila.dimajo@unipa.it, phone +390916236405 Background In the last decade the trans-Plasma Membrane Electron Transport (t-PMET) has been subject to more research. Ever growing evidence has demonstrated that t-PMET occurs in all typ…

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Sicilian olive oil antioxidants and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

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THE ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF PHENOLIC MOLECULES IN RELATIONSHIP WITH THE pH OF ENVIRONMENT REACTION Some epidemiological evidence suggests beneficial effects on human health from a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and certain types of beverages such as tea and wine (1,2). These compounds do not have nutritive properties but they have a functional role in the human organism. Some studies have investigated the effect of pH on the antioxidant properties of polyphenols (3,4) and have reported that the pH-dependent behaviour is related to hydroxyl deprotonation. However, these studies did not compare the antioxidant activity of various classes of polyphenols and did not take into account the acid…

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