Mazzucco, Walter
Prestazioni erogate dal laboratorio centralizzato dell’AOUP “P.Giaccone” di Palermo
Educational strategies on potential prescribers to implement correct use of genomic tests: the Italian experience.
Abstract background Marketing pressures, regulatory policies, clinical guidelines, and consumer’s demand all affect health care providers' knowledge and use of health-related genetic tests sold and/or advertised to consumers. A survey on health care providers’ and consumers’ awareness, perceptions, and use of direct-to-consumer personal genomic tests, conducted in USA in 2008, suggested a strong need for education of health practitioners. A similar survey, administered among Italian general practitioners (GPs), has documented that the 85% of interviewers reported the need for specific training on predictive tests’ prescription. Based on these premises, the Italian Health Ministry has introd…
Associazione tra carcinoma epatocellulare (HCC) ed infezione da epatiti virali in Sicilia: dati preliminari
Cuba and Italy: a comparative study on the determinants of health in a context of limited resources
Italian and Cuban healthcare systems, although operating in very different context, show some of the best evidence in the world in terms of health outcomes. The Cuban model, unique because of an historical-economic-political asset not repeatable, had oriented its development on education and health promotion through a public health approach. The aim of our study is to perform a comparison of the Italian and Cuban healthcare system through the use of health indicators validated at international level in order to identify best practices. Cuba provides health care to all residents focusing strongly on primary care and health promotion and obtains similar results to Italy despite the limited av…