Joshi, Kedar
The NSTP (Non-Spatial Thinking Process) Theory
The NSTP theory is a (philosophy of mind) semi-idealistic as well as semi-dualistic theory that the material universe, the one in which peculiar phenomena like quantum non-locality exist, is exclusively a group of superhuman as well as non-superhuman thinking processes existing in the form of (non-spatial physical/material) feelings (i.e. states of consciousness). In computer terminology, it regards the (material) universe as a non-spatial computer, with hardware of (non-spatial) feelings and software of superhuman as well as non-superhuman thoughts/ideas, including those of space, which is then an illusive/virtual/merely apparent entity. The mere existence of the superhuman thoughts is res…
A Summary of the Central Metaphysic of Superultramodern Science and Philosophy: From Modern Science to God–The Ultimate Questioner
This is a summary of the core/central metaphysic of my ‘Superultramodern Science and Philosophy’, which comprises the NSTP (Non-Spatial Thinking Process) theory and, chiefly, the UQV (Ultimate Questioner’s Vanity) theory.