| Psychology of organizational behavior

José María Peiró Silla


The Human Mind and Its ComplexityHuman resource management; organisational behaviourThe Social World and Its Interactions


Research in Work Psychology, Organizations, and Human Resources has experienced significant development in recent decades, addressing challenges of important scientific and practical/professional significance. This area of psychosocial research covers a wide range of issues and themes. The research group "Organizational Behavioral Psychology," with a long history of investigation, focuses its research on the study of four basic aspects of this area of scientific research. Firstly, it addresses the study of two fundamental components for individuals and organizations: job well-being in its different facets and effective performance that contributes to organizational results. Secondly, and as a complementary activity to the previous one, it analyzes the psychosocial factors of occupational and organizational health. This line of work has significant development in the analysis and prevention of psychosocial risks in organizations. A third line of work addresses the issue of human capital in organizations, particularly focusing on youth employment, unemployment, and career development. Finally, the collective behavior of work units is investigated. The study of group behavior and relevant psychosocial aspects seeks to contribute to the psychosocial understanding of structural and procedural phenomena of work units and their outcomes for members, the group itself, and its constituents (stakeholders).
