

Augmented reality based middle and inner ear surgical procedures

Raabid Hussain


Transtympanic proceduresProcédures transtympaniquesCochlear implant surgeryOtologyAugmented realityMedical image segmentationSegmentation d’image de l'oreilleOtologie[INFO.INFO-TI] Computer Science [cs]/Image Processing [eess.IV]Minimally invasive surgery[INFO.INFO-TI]Computer Science [cs]/Image Processing [eess.IV]Chirurgie mini-InvasiveChirurgie d'implant cochléaireRéalité augmentée


Otologic procedures involve manipulation of small, delicate and complex structures in the temporal bone anatomy which are in close proxmity of critical nerves and blood vessels. Augmented reality (AR) can highly benefit the otological domain by providing supplementary anatomical and navigational information unified on a single display. However, despite being composed of mainly rigid bony structures, the awareness and acceptance of possibilities of AR systems in otology is fairly low. This project aims at developing video-based AR solutions for middle and inner ear surgical procedures.We propose two applications of AR in this regard. In the first application, information about middle ear cleft structures is obtained from a preoperative CT-scan exam and overlayed onto the surgical video of the tympanic membrane. This system provides the surgeon with real-time information about the anatomical target structures and the surgical instrument behind the tympanic membrane without tympanomeatal flap elevation. As an extension of this system, we also propose to visualize the cochlear modiolus in the real-time surgical video of the middle and inner ear cleft enabling transmodiolar implantation of the cochlear implant through the external auditory canal.Both proposed AR systems are designed in a minimally invasive manner and are solely based on vision algorithms eliminating the need for traditional magnetic and optical tracking systems. The first trials showed an easy installation in the operating room environment. This work opens important perspectives into minimally invasive otologic procedures through AR-based solutions.
