

El “giro morfológico”: la forma, condición del sentido

Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz


Ciencias básicas y experimentalesUNESCO::FILOSOFÍA:FILOSOFÍA [UNESCO]Logic / topologyHumanidadesFilosofíaShapeSenseHª y Fª de la CienciaMorphological turnFilosofía. Etica


This paper starts from the philosophical contradiction that we can call 'apory of logical fundament'. Logic appears, on the one side, as having the metaphysical pretensions of universality and wholeness and, on the other side, as having local efficiency in computers' concrete world. Several alternatives have tried to go over this apory, from alogical philosophies to logic amplifying attempts. René Thom's ontology changes the terms of the question and, instead of looking for the fundament in logic, he does so in topology. His slogan is: 'We have to found, not geometry in logic, but logic in geometry'. The fundamental ontological implication of this morphologic change is to find the sense condition, which opens the door to Aesthetic studies or to the role played by perception in argumentation', questions of our time.
