

Selbstreflexion und Evaluierung von Fremdsprachenlernprozessen in der Projektarbeit

S. Hoffmann


lavoro di progetto cognizione ruolo della riflessione nell´apprendimento linguistico


The relationship between awareness and learning German was esamined in project work undertaken with students of the degree course in International Media Studies at the University of Palermo. For many years now reflection upon and evaluation of learning processes have been regarded as an integral part of foreign language teaching. This article gives a detailed and differentiated account of research carried out over the last ten years into the role of awareness in second and foreign language learning. Focusing of this aspect of consciousness in Richard Schmidt's definition and re-examining it in the light of Klaus Holzkamp's learning theory, a theoretical approach is worked out which links the concept of awareness at its three levels to interest in foreign language learning. This concept underlies the qualitative longitudinal research carried out in the academic year 2006/2007, from which two cases and a decisive phase of the project have been chosen in order to exemplify individual levels of consciousness in relation to group learning in German.
