

CoSAC, un projet pour la conception de stratégies durables de gestion des adventices dans un contexte de changement (climat, pratiques agricoles, biodiversité)

Nathalie ColbachFrederique AngevinP. MétaisDelphine MoreauLoic PagèsAlain RodriguezJean VillerdF. Vuillemin


[SDE] Environmental Sciencesmodel[ SDV ] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]agricultural systemdurabilitémodèlesustainability[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDE]Environmental Sciences[SDV.BV]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Vegetal Biologysystème agricoleévaluation multicritère[SDV.BV] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Vegetal Biology[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencesmulticriteria evaluationsystème de cultureadventiceweed


The CoSAC project associates partners from research and development in order to (1) quantify and understand, with experiments, the effects of novel agricultural practices on weeds and the functioning of the agroecosystem, (2) design tools that predict the effect of agricultural techniques et pedoclimate on weed flora, (3) use these tools to design sustainable weed management strategies and to evaluate their performances in contexts of changing agricultural practices, climate, biodiversity, (4) facilitate the adoption of these novel strategies by farmers. We will present the first results of the project, e.g. the effect on weeds of cover crops during fallow or associated to a cash crop, the ex ante evaluation of changes in agricultural practices in terms of weed impact on crop production and biodiversity, or the design of multiperformant agricultural systems with the FLORSYS model.
