

Allium albanicum (Amaryllidaceae), a new species from Balkans and its relationships with A. meteoricum Heldr. & Hausskn. ex Halácsy

Giampietro Giusso Del GaldoSalvatore BrulloSalvatore CambriaCristina SalmeriC Brullo


LiliopsidaAsparagalesPlant SciencePlant anatomyAlliumtaxonomylcsh:BotanyAlbania; Allium; Amaryllidaceae; Chromosome; New section; TaxonomyBotanyBiodiversity & ConservationchromosomePlantaeEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsAllium Amaryllidaceae Albania chromosome new section taxonomyBractbiologyNomenclaturenew sectionSettore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaAmaryllidaceaeKaryosystematicsAmaryllidaceaebiology.organism_classificationlcsh:QK1-989EuropeTracheophytaInflorescenceAlbaniaAlliumKey (lock)Taxonomy (biology)PloidyResearch Article


A new species, Alliumalbanicum, is described and illustrated from Albania (Balkan Peninsula). It grows on serpentines or limestone in open rocky stands with a scattered distribution, mainly in mountain locations. Previously, the populations of this geophyte were attributed to A.meteoricum Heldr. & Hausskn. ex Halácsy, described from a few localities of North and Central Greece. These two species indeed show close relationships, chiefly regarding some features of the spathe valves, inflorescence and floral parts. They also share the same diploid chromosome number 2n =16 and similar karyotype, while seed testa micro-sculptures and leaf anatomy reveal remarkable differences. There are also several morphological features that allow them to be differentiated at specific level. The inclusion of both species into a newly described section Pseudoscorodon of the subgen. Allium is proposed. An analytic key to the species, included in the new section, is also provided.
