

How Do Software Companies Deal with Artificial Intelligence Ethics? : A Gap Analysis

Ville VakkuriKai-kristian KemellJoel TolvanenMarianna JantunenErika HalmePekka Abrahamsson


järjestelmäsuunnitteluohjelmistotuotantosoftware companiestekoälyetiikka113 Computer and information sciencesartificial intelligenceohjelmistokehitysethicstietotekniikkayritykset


The public and academic discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics is accelerating and the general public is becoming more aware AI ethics issues such as data privacy in these systems. To guide ethical development of AI systems, governmental and institutional actors, as well as companies, have drafted various guidelines for ethical AI. Though these guidelines are becoming increasingly common, they have been criticized for a lack of impact on industrial practice. There seems to be a gap between research and practice in the area, though its exact nature remains unknown. In this paper, we present a gap analysis of the current state of the art by comparing practices of 39 companies that work with AI systems to the seven key requirements for trustworthy AI presented in the “The Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence”. The key finding of this paper is that there is indeed notable gap between AI ethics guidelines and practice. Especially practices considering the novel requirements for software development, requirements of societal and environmental well-being and diversity, nondiscrimination and fairness were not tackled by companies. peerReviewed
