Robotizing meaningful work
Tuuli TurjaJaana MinkkinenSaija Maunosubject
mielekkyysSociology and Political Science515 PsychologyComputer Networks and Communicationstyöhyvinvointistressarvot (käsitykset)automaatioworkwell-beingrobotizationhuman valuestyöelämäteaching innovationsservice robotCommunicationchange managementteknologinen kehitysstressimuutosjohtaminenmeaningfulnessproject managementPhilosophytechnology5141 Sociologyrobotitprojektijohtaminentyöpsykologiadescription
PurposeRobots have a history of replacing human labor in undesirable, dirty, dull and dangerous tasks. With robots now emerging in academic and human-centered work, this paper aims to investigate psychological implications of robotizing desirable and socially rewarding work.Design/methodology/approachTesting the holistic stress model, this study examines educational professionals’ stress responses as mediators between robotization expectations and future optimism in life. The study uses survey data on 2,434 education professionals.FindingsRespondents entertaining robotization expectations perceived their work to be less meaningful and reported more burnout symptoms than those with no robotization expectations. Future optimism about life was not affected by robotization expectations alone, but meaninglessness and burnout symptoms mediated the relation between expectations of robotization and future optimism.Practical implicationsRobotization may be viewed as challenging the meaningfulness of educational work by compromising ethical values and interaction. To prevent excess stress among personnel, robotization should be planned together with employees in co-operation negotiations. This implicates the need for co-designing technological changes in organizations especially in the cases of social use of robots.Originality/valueWork’s meaningfulness in robotization is a novel research topic and a step toward socially sustainable robotization.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-12-21 | Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society |