

La personalidad de las sociedades. Descripción y dinámica

Salvador AmigóJoan C MicóAntonio Caselles


ExtraversiónUNESCO::FILOSOFÍA:FILOSOFÍA [UNESCO]Carl JungGeneral MedicineTeoría de la supervivencia de las sociedadesPersonalitatSocieties survivance theoryGeneral Factor of PersonalityMATEMATICA APLICADAFactor General de PersonalidadExtraversion


[EN] Extraversion is considered as the fundamental and basic dimension of personality from the Unique Trait Personality Theory [1]. Extraversion, as temperamental dimension, involves cognitive dimensions such as racionality and emotionality. Carl Jung¿s theory of types [2] states a complex dynamics among these dimensions. From this theory a typology of personality arises. Amigó [3] adapted Jung¿s theory to applye it to societies. A reflexion about history is given by the dynamics of societies through time. This approach starts from Jung's idea of the opposite dimensions that complement and imprint movement, and from Amigó's theory about societies survivance [4], which argues that crises cause socio-economic changes that have to perpetuate themselves through the resulting ideological structure. Finally, a methodology is proposed to apply the mathematics of systems theory to this new conception of the individual and social personality.
