

Dual Perspectives on the Role of Artificially Intelligent Robotic Virtual Agents in the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Industries

Dandison UkpabiHeikki KarjaluotoSunday A. OlaleyeEmmanuel Mogaji




Robotics and artificial intelligence are challenging extant business services and fundamentally impacting business relationships and processes. While studies have elaborately investigated social robotic interactions in medical and health-related domains, studies are limited on artificially intelligent robotic virtual agents (AIRVA) and their impacts on consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality services. Building on the theories of user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and customer experience, this study conceptually examines the dual-value effects of AIRVA to the customer and the firm. It analyzes the customer journey and highlights critical touchpoints AIRVA deepens the customer experience. It also discusses specific contexts AIRVA impacts business process. It further evaluates challenges facing its adoption and makes critical recommendations to practitioners and academics on how to enhance its adoption in the tourism and hospitality industry. peerReviewed
