

Délimitation d'ensembles morphologiques par une approche multi-échelle

Cécile TannierGilles VuidelPierre Frankhauser


limitesfractalebuilt patternslimitfractalcurvature[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyurban areasdilationespaces urbainsdilatationcourbureTissus bâtis


The paper deals with the identification of the envelope of built-up patterns that we define as the limit of a morphologically coherent set through the scales. The point of view is purely morphological; it refers to a multi-scale approach. Besides the description of the context of the research (that is the urban-rural delimitation) the paper is dedicated to the presentation of the methodological principles which allow the identification of the envelope of built-up patterns. The first step of the methodology, that is the step by step dilation of a studied built-up pattern, is briefly described. The emphasis is placed on the second step of the methodology that is the identification of a threshold in the curve stemming from the dilations. The third part of the paper presents some examples of application to theoretical cases, whereas the fourth and last part deals with the application for the morphological delimitation of urban areas.
