

Integrating retirement and permanent disability in NDC pension schemes

Carlos Vidal-meliáManuel Ventura-marco


Economics and EconometricsPensionActuarial science05 social sciencesDisabled peoplePermanent disabilityOverlapping generations model01 natural sciencesSocial security010104 statistics & probability0502 economics and businessEconomicsMuch difficultyDividend050207 economics0101 mathematicsDisability insurance


ABSTRACTIn this article, we develop a theoretical basis for integrating retirement and permanent disability using a generic nonfinancial defined contribution framework. The methodology we use relies on a multistate overlapping generations model that includes the so-called survivor dividend. Currently, this feature can only be found in the Swedish defined contribution (DC) scheme. The results achieved in the numerical example we present endorse the fact that the model works well. Special attention is given to the assumptions made about mortality rates for disabled people and disability incidence rates, which largely determine the contribution rate assigned to disability. The model could be of interest to policymakers because, after some adaptations, it could be implemented without too much difficulty and would uncover the real cost of disability and minimize the risk of disability insurance being used as a vote-buying mechanism.
