

Strongly invertible links and divides

Olivier Couture


Discrete mathematicsDividesMorse codelaw.inventionCombinatoricsMorse signed dividesInvertible matrixlawBraidImmersion (mathematics)Strongly invertible linksGeometry and TopologyInvariant (mathematics)Finite setMathematics


Abstract To a proper generic immersion of a finite number of copies of the unit interval in a 2-disc, called a divide, A’Campo associates a link in S 3 . From the more general notion of ordered Morse signed divides, one obtains a braid presentation of links of divides. In this paper, we prove that every strongly invertible link is isotopic to the link of an ordered Morse signed divide. We give fundamental moves for ordered Morse signed divides and show that strongly invertible links are equivalent if and only if we can pass from one ordered Morse signed divide to the other by a sequence of such moves. Then we associate a polynomial to an ordered Morse signed divide, invariant for these moves. So this polynomial is invariant for the equivalence of strongly invertible links.
