

The utilization of landscape pictures extracted from open picture collections for the determination of interest in spatial features

Stéphane CretegnySarah CompostoNicolas BlancJens IngensandJean-christophe Foltête


Geography[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyPhotographyLandscape analysisSpatial cognition[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyCartographyComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS


This paper describes a method that uses georeferenced landscape pictures extracted from open picture collections for the determination of the population's interest in spatial features. The automated method takes into account the coordinates of the camera position as well as the azimuth angle, the focal length and the crop factor in order to calculate a field of view using a digital terrain model (DTM). This field of view can thereafter be used for the determination of interest in spatial features. In a case study involving more than 3'000 georeferenced pictures we investigate the potential of the method.
