

Non invasive tools for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis

Melchiorre CervelloGiuseppe MontaltoMaurizio SoresiLydia GiannitrapaniAnna Licata


Diagnostic ImagingLiver Cirrhosismedicine.medical_specialtyCirrhosisSettore MED/09 - Medicina InternaBiopsyContrast MediaReviewSeverity of Illness IndexGastroenterologySerum markersPredictive Value of TestsFibrosisInternal medicineUltrasoundBiopsymedicineHumansLiver fibrosis; Liver biopsy; Ultrasound; Elastography; Serum markersmedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryLiver cellGastroenterologyReproducibility of ResultsLiver fibrosiUltrasonography DopplerGeneral MedicineLiver biopsyPrognosismedicine.diseaseLiverLiver biopsyHepatocellular carcinomaElasticity Imaging TechniquesPortal hypertensionRadiologyElastographyElastographybusinessBiomarkers


Liver cirrhosis (LC), the end stage of many forms of chronic hepatitis of different etiologies is a diffuse process characterized by fibrosis and the conversion of normal liver architecture into structurally abnormal nodules surrounded by annular fibrosis. This chronic progressive clinical condition, leads to liver cell failure and portal hypertension, which can favour the onset of hepatocellular carcinoma. Defining the phase of the natural history is crucial for therapeutic choice and prognosis. Liver biopsy is currently considered the best available standard of reference but it has some limits, so alternative tools have been developed to substitute liver biopsy when assessing liver fibrosis. Serum markers offer a cost-effective alternative to liver biopsy being less invasive and theoretically without complications. They can be classified into direct and indirect markers which may be used alone or in combination to produce composite scores. Diagnostic imaging includes a number of instruments and techniques to estimate liver fibrosis and cirrhosis like ultrasound (US), US Doppler, contrast enhanced US and Elastography. US could be used for the diagnosis of advanced LC while is not able to evaluate progression of fibrosis, in this case Elastography is more reliable. This review aims to revise the most recent data from the literature about non invasive methods useful in defining liver fibrosis.
