

The role of Christianity in the European Union’s heritage and history initiatives

Tuuli Lähdesmäki


sekularismiArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)religionEuropean Unionchristianitycultural heritagesecularismEuroopan unionikulttuuriperintöuskonto ja uskonnotkristinusko


In its political discourse, the European Union balances Christian heritage, the secularization of European societies, liberal values and Europe’s culturally and religiously diverse contemporary reality. This article explores how the European Union narrates the story of Europe and the role of Christianity in this narrative. This exploration is based on two qualitative case studies focusing on key heritage and history initiatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament: the European Heritage Label and the House of European History. The article argues that issues related to Christianity become easier to handle for the European Union when they are dealt with as memory, tradition and cultural heritage – and thus linked to the history of Europe.
