

Iron Age craftworks in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. An approach based in Cultural Inheritance Theory

Consuelo Mata ParreñoLucía Soria CombadieraMarta Blasco MartínElena Mora GarcíaMercedes Fuentes AlberoJoan Bernabeu Auban


perforated platesArcheologyUNESCO::HISTORIAArt ibèriccraftspeopleIberian culturecultura ibéricaartesanostransmission of cultural knowledgeArchaeologyplacas perforadasCAnthropologyAuxiliary sciences of historyivory combspeines de marfil:HISTORIA [UNESCO]transmisión cultural del conocimientoiberian cultureCC1-960


Este trabajo tiene por objeto realizar una aproximación a las artesanías sobre materias duras de origen animal durante la Edad del Hierro en la PI y al estudio de los materiales como un medio para acercarnos a la sociedad que los produjo.  La problemática abordada contempla los procesos de la producción artesanal, la transmisión del conocimiento y la circulación de algunos de estos bienes. Hemos elegido dos tipos de piezas singulares: los peines de marfil y las placas de telar de hueso. Consideramos que este tipo de producciones constituye un fenómeno complejo y conforma una práctica cultural que recrea con códigos propios los gustos y la demanda de la época. A nivel metodológico, la Théorie de l'Hérédité Culturelle (Cultural Inheritance Theory) o Théorie de la Double Hérédité, ofrece un marco apropiado para identificar las dinámicas sociales en la producción artesanal, caracterizando la transmisión del conocimiento cultural a las personas. Los resultados obtenidos abogan por una transmisión oblicua del conocimiento en la elaboración de los objetos, aunque con particularidades vinculadas a cada tipo de pieza en función de características formales y ornamentales, y de la propia material prima con que fueron elaboradas.  The aim of this paper is to examine the craftwork on hard animal materials from the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula and to study the objects by reflecting on the society that produced them. We deal with the processes of craftsmanship, transmission of knowledge and the circulation of some of these artefacts. We have chosen to conduct the work on two kinds of unique objects: ivory combs and bone loom plates. We consider these types of production to be complex phenomena: they form a cultural practice that recreates with its own codes the tastes and demands of the time. At a methodological level, Cultural Inheritance Theory considers the social dynamics of the artisanal production and the ways of transmitting cultural knowledge. Such cultural transmission could be vertical (e.g. between parents and offspring), horizontal (e.g. between members of the same generation) or oblique (e.g. between generations but not in a parental relationship). Therefore, the consequences for the material artefacts of those processes of cultural transmission will be different. The variation in artefact attributes, such as decoration or shape, will vary according with the relative importance of those processes. This, in turn, could be used to investigate relative levels of standardization (e.g. variation) within and between groups. Indeed, in this paper we use several morphometrical measures related to different aspects of the technological process to elaborate combs and perforated plates. The results obtained point to an oblique cultural transmission in their elaborations although with particularities linked to each type of object with respect to the function of their formal and decorative characteristics and owing to their raw materials.
