

Geography of production and incomes ?

André Larceneux


territoireéconomie régionale[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyregional economicsregional accountingterritorycomptabilité régionalemodelisation


The idea that a difference exists between territories supported by the creation of wealth and others more focused on their spending was put forward by Laurent DAVEZIES. This author suggests a noticeableopposition between a geography of production and a geography of incomes. If the underlying transfers of income between these territories are supposed to ensure territorial and social cohesion, they would be a burden likely to decrease the efficiency of the most productive territories. It is therefore necessary, he says, to stop « incantations on the theme of territorial cohesion » and to condemn « discriminating policies in favor of territories creating growth ». However, these analyzes suffer from conceptual,methodological and statistical weaknesses. This article highlights four major difficulties that lead to rejecting this so-called « innovative » approach.
