

Testing the direct and moderator effects of the stressor-detachment model over one year : A latent change perspective

Anne MäkikangasUlla KinnunenAsko TolvanenMarjaana Sianoja


Sosiologia - SociologylongitudinalMental abilityDetachmentpalautuminen050109 social psychologytyömäärätyöuupumusworkloadrecovery0502 economics and businessSleep difficultiesexhaustionnukkuminen0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesApplied Psychologyta515unihäiriötChange scorePsykologia - Psychology05 social sciencesPerspective (graphical)StressorWorkloadstressisleep difficultiesModerationQuestionnaire datadetachmentPsychology050203 business & managementClinical psychology


ABSTRACTTo test the direct and moderator effects of the stressor–detachment model from a long-term perspective, we investigated whether workload and detachment are related to changes in exhaustion and sleep difficulties over one year. We also examined whether detachment attenuates the relationship between high workload and these outcomes both cross-sectionally and over time. Questionnaire data with 1722 respondents at Time 1 and 1182 respondents at Time 2 were collected. We used a latent change score approach to analyse the data in order to identify intra-individual change among the studied constructs. Our results showed that high workload and low detachment at baseline were related to an increase in exhaustion over one year. Additionally, an increase in workload and a decrease in detachment were related to a simultaneous increase in exhaustion over time. Low detachment, but not high workload, was related to an increase in sleep difficulties over time, and a decrease in detachment across one year was rela...
