

Elementi di pianificazione territoriale ed urbanistica in condizioni di emergenza - Elements of territorial planning and urban studies in emergency conditions

Giuseppe Gangemi


emergenza pianificazione


It has to be admitted that in Italy planning for civil protection only recently started to have a consistency of its own, also from the point of view of organization, regarding offices and also university interests, because the two worlds – that of protection and that of planning – go more or less in parallel in the evolution of civil society. The planning for civil protection in Italy, and especially in Sicily, is at a level of backwardness equal at least to that we deal with within the academic world. The University produces the necessary expert and they work in the offices and in the public administration; the administration then gives impulse of research evolution to the Universities, and hence the two worlds continuosly debate with respect to the results of a thorough civil and cultural development and improvement process. That of civil protection is one of the processes in which our weaknesses are measured. Our weaknesses get still more evident when they are measured in terms of planning. A more specialized form of planning is rightly catching on: the municipal emergency plans. This is hence a developed form of planning also in terms of technical town planning. That is to say to eliminate this separation, or better, these separate plans which no longer have any reason to be separate, becomes the main aim to be attained.
