

Participation in the Forum of European Universities (FOREU)



Forum of European Universities FOREUat the time of submission all 17 alliances ARQUS CHARMEU CIVICA CIVIS ECIU EDUC EPICUR EUCONEXUS EU4Art EUGLOH EUTOPIA FORTHEM 4EU SEAEU UNAEuropa UNITE and YUFE have agreed that they will ensure joint collaboration across their RI projects by attending together a Forum of European Universities FOREU facetoface if possible or online M 14 at which to discuss and share intelligence resulting from assessment of current practices best practice and progress madesuccess stories implementing longterm strategies identification of legal financial and regulatory barriers local regional or European by the end of the project we expect to develop another shared activity with the European Alliances to which the alliances selected in the second call will also be invited and with whom the design will be agreed
