

Infrastructure and Regional Economic Growth: The Spanish Case

Antonio CutandaJoaquina Paricio


EconomyOrder (exchange)Welfare economicsCapital (economics)EconomicsGeneral Social SciencesPublic capitalEmpirical evidenceGeneral Environmental Science


CUTANDA A. and PARICIO J. (1994) Infrastructure and regional economic growth: the Spanish case, Reg. Studies 28, 69-77. This paper considers the measurement of infrastructure capital in the Spanish regions and examines the regional disparities found. The relationship between income and infrastructure is studied in order to determine the impact of public capital in accounting for regional disparities in incomes. The empirical evidence shows that infrastructure has a significant positive effect on the income disparities at regional level. CUTANDA A. et PARICIO J. (1994) L'equipement et la croissance economique regionale, Reg. Studies 28, 69-77. Cet article considere la mesure du capital affecte a l'equipement aux regions en Espagne et en examine les ecarts regionaux. On etudie le rapport entre le revenu et l'equipement afin de determiner l'impact des depenses publiques comme facteur explicatif des ecarts de revenu regionaux. Les preuves empiriques laissent voir que l'equipement a un effet positif non-neglig...
