

Values of well-being and togetherness in the early childhood education of younger children

Maritta Hännikäinen


Early childhood educationyhteenkuuluvuusvarhaiskasvatusearly educationhyvinvointiWell-beingPsychologyDevelopmental psychology


This chapter illustrates the younger children’s expressions of the values of well-being and togetherness in day-care groups and the educators’ role in communicating these values. The values of well-being and togetherness were closely interconnected. The children expressed these values by bodily gestures, laughter and enthusiasm in their activities and by mutual interest, physical closeness, and playing together. The educators communicated the values by a caring attitude and emotional warmth. They were present to the children and assured that the atmosphere was supportive and joyful. The educators encouraged the children to engage in shared endeavors and, above all, played with them. Final Draft peerReviewed
