

Déconstruction et redéfinition du ‘clandestin’ dans Il ladro di merendine et L’altro capo del filo d’Andrea Camilleri

Hélène Gaudin


[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteraturedéconstructionCamilleri (Andrea)deconstructionclandestinityclandestinitéécriture engagéeengaged writingdetective novelclandestine[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencesclandestinroman policier


Andrea Camilleri used to say he regretted that his novels were seen by his readers as more entertaining than thought-provoking. For his work carries a militant message and far-left ideas. In his narratives, the author deconstructs traditional schemes and definitions and proposes to read reality through other prisms. Thus, in his two novels Il ladro di merendine and L’altro capo del filo, Camilleri deconstructs and redefines the concept of ‘clandestinity’, both through inventio and through symbolic objects. The boundary shifts: it no longer separates the licit from the illicit but the intimate from the visible.
