

Virtual world affordances for people with lifelong disability

Karen Stendal


VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Psykologi: 260VDP::Technology: 500::Information and communication technology: 550VDP::Teknologi: 500::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi: 550


One article © 2014 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from : Stendal, K., Molka-Danielsen, J., Munkvold, B.E., & Balandin, S. (2013, 7-10 Jan. 2013). Social Affordances for People with Lifelong Disability through Using Virtual Worlds. Paper presented at the System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.2013.485 "The findings from this thesis show that virtual worlds offer valuable affordances for people with lifelong disability and identify six affordances offered: communication, mobility, personalization, social inclusion, personal development, and joint activity. The study also concludes that the affordances identified may represent constraints to some people because of their disability"
