Microscopic calculation of the $\beta^-$ decays of $^{151}$Sm, $^{171}$Tm, and $^{210}$Pb with implications to detection of the cosmic neutrino background
J. KostensaloJ. KotilaJ. Suhonensubject
beta spectral shapesNuclear and High Energy Physicsxi-approximationIBFM-2Nuclear Theoryshell modelfirst-forbidden nonunique beta transitionsneutriinotFOS: Physical sciencesNuclear Theory (nucl-th)cosmic neutrino backgroundkosminen taustasäteilyydinfysiikkaPTOLEMYdescription
The electron spectral shapes corresponding to the low-$Q$ $\beta^-$-decay transitions $^{151}$Sm$(5/2^-_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{151}\textrm{Eu}(5/2^+_{\rm g.s.})$, $^{151}$Sm$(5/2^-_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{151}\textrm{Eu}(7/2^+_{1})$, $^{171}$Tm$(1/2^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{171}\textrm{Yb}(1/2^-_{\rm g.s.})$, $^{171}$Tm$(1/2^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{171}\textrm{Yb}(3/2^-_{1})$, $^{210}\textrm{Pb}(0^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{210}\textrm{Bi}(1^-_{\rm g.s.})$, and $^{210}\textrm{Pb}(0^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{210}\textrm{Bi}(0^-_{1})$ have been computed using beta-decay theory with several refinements for these first-forbidden nonunique (ff-nu) $\beta^-$ transitions. These ff-nu $\beta^-$ transitions have non-trivial electron spectral shapes with transition nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) computed by using the microscopic Interacting Boson-Fermion Model (IBFM-2) for the decays of $^{151}$Sm and $^{171}$Tm, and the nuclear shell model (NSM) for the decay of $^{210}$Pb. Within the respective $Q$ windows, the computed ff-nu electron spectral shapes deviate maximally at sub-percent level from the universal allowed shape, except for the transition $^{210}\textrm{Pb}(0^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{210}\textrm{Bi}(1^-_{\rm g.s.})$, where the maximal deviation is some 2.7$\%$. This confirms that the so-called $\xi$ approximation is fairly good for most of these low-$Q$ $\beta^-$ transitions and thus the allowed shape is a rather good first approximation. Our computed spectral shapes could be of interest for experiments aiming to measure the cosmic neutrino background (C$\nu$B), like the PTOLEMY experiment. We have also derived C$\nu$B cross sections for the ground-state transitions of the considered nuclei at the $\beta$ endpoint. Our findings indicate that more work on the atomic mismatch correction is needed in the future in order to extract reliable and precise C$\nu$B cross sections for any nuclear target.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2023-05-01 |