

An empirically grounded agent based model for modeling directs, conflict detection and resolution operations in air traffic management

Salvatore MiccichèChristian BongiornoRosario N. MantegnaRosario N. Mantegna


Distribution CurvesAircraftComputer scienceVelocitylcsh:MedicineTransportation02 engineering and technologySystems ScienceAgent-Based Modeling0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringlcsh:ScienceAgent-based modelMultidisciplinaryNegotiatingSimulation and ModelingFlight TestingPhysics05 social sciencesAir traffic managementClassical MechanicsAir traffic controlNavigationPhysical SciencesTrajectoryEngineering and Technology020201 artificial intelligence & image processingFree flightResearch ArticleStatistical DistributionsPhysics - Physics and SocietyComputer and Information SciencesReal-time computingFlight planFOS: Physical sciencesAerospace EngineeringComputerApplications_COMPUTERSINOTHERSYSTEMSPhysics and Society (physics.soc-ph)Air traffic management systemResearch and Analysis MethodsMotion0502 economics and businessHumansComputer Simulation050210 logistics & transportationlcsh:RReproducibility of ResultsModels TheoreticalProbability TheorySettore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali Ambientali Biol.e Medicin)Accidents Aviationlcsh:QAir Traffic management Agent-based models socio-technical complex systemAviationAirspace classMathematics


We present an agent based model of the Air Traffic Management socio-technical complex system that aims at modeling the interactions between aircrafts and air traffic controllers at a tactical level. The core of the model is given by the conflict detection and resolution module and by the directs module. Directs are flight shortcuts that are given by air controllers to speed up the passage of an aircraft within a certain airspace and therefore to facilitate airline operations. Conflicts resolution between flight trajectories can arise during the en-route phase of each flight due to both not detailed flight trajectory planning or unforeseen events that perturb the planned flight plan. Our model performs a local conflict detection and resolution procedure. Once a flight trajectory has been made conflict-free, the model searches for possible improvements of the system efficiency by issuing directs. We give an example of model calibration based on real data. We then provide an illustration of the capability of our model in generating scenario simulations able to give insights about the air traffic management system. We show that the calibrated model is able to reproduce the existence of a geographical localization of air traffic controllers' operations. Finally, we use the model to investigate the relationship between directs and conflict resolutions (i) in the presence of perfect forecast ability of controllers, and (ii) in the presence of some degree of uncertainty in flight trajectory forecast.
