

"Slitsomt, men gøy!" : en kvalitativ studie om den nyutdannede anestesisykepleieren sin opplevelse av kompetanse av yrkesutøvelsen

Christina LauvdalKari OmlandThao Pham


clinical competanceexperiencecoping skillsVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Clinical medical disciplines: 750::Anesthesiology: 765anesthesianew graduatedME-519


Masteroppgave i spesialsykepleie – Universitetet i Agder 2014 Background: With the technological and medical development we are experiencing today, the anesthesia nurse is constantly challenged with complex patient situations and advanced medical equipment in their work . This situation leads to substantial professional requirements on expertise in the anesthesia subject. International research shows that there are many factors that influence a nurses' experiences in their first year of working after graduation. However, in Norway there is little research on the experience of own competency for newly qualified anesthesia nurses. Purpose and issue: The purpose of this study is to learn how the anesthesia nurses experience their own compentence as newly graduates. The issue: How does the newly graduate anesthesia nurse experience their own competence in the execution of their profession. Method: This master study has a qualitative and descriptive design. Individual semi-structured interviews with 11 graduated anesthetic nurses were applied. The informants had up to three years of relevant work experience. Collected data were analyzed using systematic text condensation. Results: The informants experienced their first periode as anesthetic nurses as challenging. They experienced time pressure in the treatment of patients as stressful. The informants believed that increasing experience affects the learning curve positivly. Repetition training, previous nurse experience and guidance from experienced colleagues provide confidence and an increased sense of coping. Informants described that their sense of security in the daily work is of high importance to them. Increased focus on the work environment, constructive feedback and trainging through simulation were proposed as measures to promote good human resource development. Conclusion: Newly graduated anesthesia nurses generally regard their own professional competence as satisfactory. External requirements and individual patient circumstances may affect their sense of competency and mastery. The results of this study may contribute to increase awareness of the importance of good working conditions for newly graduated anesthetic nurses.
