

Antropologia filosòfica i literatura (II): TH. W. Adorno i S. Cavell interpreten Fi de partida de S. Beckett

Joan B. Llinares Chover


Samuel BeckettUNESCO::FILOSOFÍA:FILOSOFÍA [UNESCO]filosofia y literaturacriticism of religionS. Cavellcriticism of cultureantropología filosóficaTh. W. Adorno


Abstract: This paper is a philosophical reading of Samuel Beckettʼs Endgame, taking into account many of the critic suggestions of Adornoʼs interpretation, from his negative dialectics in the note Versuch, das Endspiel zu verstehen. It deals as well with the acute comments by Stanley Cavell in the chapter V of his book "Must We Mean What We Say?", a view from the philosophy of the ordinary language on this play of the Irish writer. In doing so this paper tries to commemorate the centenary of Beckettʼs birth and claims for the necessary study of the relationships between philosophical anthropology and literature in our present.
