

Stakeholder expectations : conceptual foundations and empirical analysis

Laura Olkkonen


kääntäminentranslationsocial connectioncorporate responsibilitythematic analysisnarrative analysisScandinavian institutionalismodotustenhallintaorganization-stakeholder relationsinstitutionalismisosiaaliset suhteetinterview datayhteiskuntasuhteetsosiaaliset liitoksetyritysvastuuodotuksetsidosryhmätosakkaatsidosryhmäsuhteetstakeholder relationsconcept analysisexpectationsexpectation managementNarratiivinen tutkimus


Expectations are an inseparable part of interaction, whether in interpersonal, intragroup, or organization–stakeholder relations. As a concept, expectations appear frequently in the public relations literature, yet definitions are scarce or narrow. This thesis contributes to the conceptual and empirical understanding of expectations in the context of organization–stakeholder relations and, more specifically, studies how organizations translate their societal roles and how stakeholders form expectations of these roles. The theoretical framework is drawn from Scandinavian institutionalism and corporate responsibility as social connectedness that, first, places organization–stakeholder relations in an institutional context in which meanings are translated by both organizations and stakeholders and, second, recognizes that when the responsibilities of business organizations are assessed as both liabilities and structural embeddedness, expectations can touch upon complex issues with shared responsibilities. This thesis shell synthesizes findings from five original articles by posing two overarching research questions: (RQ1) What characterizes expectations in the context of organization–stakeholder relations? and (RQ2) How can stake- holder expectations be approached analytically? The thesis comprises four sub- studies that include a narrative analysis of corporate reports from three compa- nies, a concept analysis of academic articles, and two thematic analyses of (mul- ti-stakeholder and single-stakeholder) interview data from stakeholders of the media sector, in which corporate responsibility is starting to become established. As its central results, this thesis presents a model and definition for stakeholder expectations in organization–stakeholder relations that introduce the baseline of the expectations, the organization-specific assessment, and the tone of the outcome. These results strengthen the conceptual foundation of expectations in public relations research and recognizes expectations as both positive and negative constructions. As a practical input, expectation management—systematic mapping and analysis of stakeholder expectations— is suggested as a new, intersecting function for public relations.
