

Mistä on lääkärijohtajat tehty?

Huikko-tarvainen SariPasi SajasaloAuvinen Tommi


johtamineneducationlääkärithealth care economics and organizationsmanagers and executivejohtajat


Leadership and leadership development have been valuated to be the most important part in reaching the strategic goals of the health care. At this moment when Finland is preparing for an unprecedented reform of the health and social services, the impact of a physician leadership to the health care is probably more important than ever. The aim of this study is also to increase understanding of the physician leadership, the work of physician leader and how Finnish doctors value leadership work nowdays. A qualitative interview study (n = 23) was performed for the chief physicians and the heads of departments in The Central Finland Central Hospital. The study showed that a physician leader is defined by an organizational leadership position and a professional expertise which is required by social expectations, legislation and guidelines of medical ethics. The physician leadership is primarily reflected through management, less leadership. The work of a physician leader is leading specialists, in which patient work is inextricably linked. The study showed an enthusiasm for leadership work. The majority of the leaders enjoyed their work and had voluntarily applied to their current position. Based on this study and the available literature, over the past 30 years, the attitude of the Finnish physician leaders towards a physician leadership work seems to be turning into a more positive, more acceptable and more aspirational one. peerReviewed
