

Serology in adults with celiac disease: limited accuracy in patients with mild histological lesions.

Piero Luigi AlmasioAda Maria FlorenaAnna LicataMaria CappelloClaudia RandazzoG. ButeraAntonio CraxìA. Arini


AdultGenetic MarkersMalePathologymedicine.medical_specialtyAdolescentTissue transglutaminaseEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayDiseaseSeverity of Illness IndexAsymptomaticStatistics NonparametricSerologyYoung AdultInternal MedicinemedicineHumansEnteropathyIn patientProspective StudiesIntestinal MucosaVillous atrophyAgedAged 80 and overbiologybusiness.industryMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseImmunoglobulin AItalyEmergency Medicinebiology.proteinFemaleAntibodymedicine.symptombusinessceliac disease


Celiac disease (CD) is a gluten-triggered enteropathy, presenting with insidious clinical patterns. It can occasionally be diagnosed in asymptomatic subjects. Our aim was to define the relationship among symptoms at diagnosis, serological markers [tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTGA), anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) anti-actin antibodies (AAA)] and degree of mucosal damage. A total of 68 consecutive adult patients with CD were enrolled. Intestinal biopsies were scored according to the Marsh classification modified by Oberhuber: I–II minimal lesions or absent villous atrophy; IIIA partial villous atrophy; IIIB–C total villous atrophy (TVA). HLA-typing was done for all patients. No association between clinical presentation and severity of mucosal damage was found. Presence of EMA or tTGA was significantly associated with more severe mucosal damage (P < 0.001). Of 12 patients, 11 with AAA were also positive for TVA. The severity of mucosal damage is the main factor governing the detectability of serological markers of CD. The sensitivity of serological testing is questionable in patients with minimal lesions.
