

Identidad transterritorial en la literatura saharawi: La luz de cuatro velas en el Sáhara de Ali Salem Inselmu

Polizzi A.


Settore L-LIN/05 - Letteratura SpagnolaSaharawi literature short story Ali Salem Iselmu.


The study focuses on the analysis of Ali Salem Iselmu’s collection of short stories, La luz de cuatro velas en el Sáhara, as an expression, within Saharawi Literature, of a peculiar identity paradigm, which is based on the transterritorial experience of the author and its characters. The book is made up of four parts, four ‘chronotopes’, according to a journey from the past to the vision of the future. The constitution in Madrid, on July 9, 2005, of the Generación de la Amistad, by a whole generation of journalists, poets, writers with roots in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, with a biography of a migrant and with the determination of writing a literature in Spanish with traces of Hassania, determines the birth of a lesser literature and, in the reflection of Deleuze and Guattari, necessarily revolutionary.
